Community Outreach
Joy in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Members in the stake find joy through the Savior
Published DATE: January 31, 2025

Bonnie Nielsen, Stake Relief Society President (Hodge Park Ward)
The understanding that the gospel of Jesus Christ gives me about who I am and the purpose for my life and the way that has been provided for me to reach my full potential is a source of great joy for me. The knowledge that family relationships will continue beyond this life is a wonderful joy as well. Feeling God’s love, patience and mercy in my daily life gives me calm assurance that I am known and loved. I find great joy in knowing that my best efforts along with the Savior’s enabling power will be enough to enable me to accomplish what I came here on earth to do.

Mellanie Burris, Stake Activities Chair (Oak Grove Ward)
What is it about the Gospel of Jesus Christ that brings me JOY?
The knowledge that the Lord provided for our every need brings an indescribable amount of joy and peace. Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all those that have passed before hearing the Gospel still have a chance to hear and accept. Those that died young are not “doomed” because of Adam’s transgression. Death is not final!
His moment in Gethsemane and his sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate proof of His love for EVERYONE! He is a God of love and understanding. He knows how to help us succeed and return to Him and our Heavenly Father, why? Because He has experienced everything that we will ever experience. And he overcame it!
I heard a return missionary say once, that he didn’t think it was manly to cry, well, the shortest verse in the bible is John 11:35, Jesus wept. It could be for us or with us, but he weeps. That right there is testament that the literal Son of God, the one who was crucified on our behalf, the one who seeks after us, the one who redeems us, and loves us the very most, at times weeps. But that does not mean he wallows in sorrow. He also shows us the indescribable JOY we can also experience and exude to others.
This year (and always) I want to live a more joyful life so that others may see Jesus Christ in my life. His Gospel is of love, hope and peace. He wants us to share that message with others.
As Nephi said in 1 Nephi 11:22-23
22 And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.
23 And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul.
Let us bring this JOY to all souls!