Community Outreach
Liberty Stake Members Attend the Governor's Inaugural Ball
Members enjoy a peak into state government traditions

Lori Garcia, Stake Communications Director (Hodge Park Ward)

With a new governor comes all the pomp and circumstance, and that’s just what happened on Monday, January 13, 2025, in Jefferson City, when Governor Mike Kehoe was inaugurated as Missouri’s 58th governor of Missouri.
Some members of the Liberty Stake had front-row seats to the day’s events. Rebecca Morgan (Hodge Park Ward) attended the festivities with her husband, Elder Jeremiah Morgan, Area Seventy and also Deputy Attorney General, for the state of Missouri.
“It was really wonderful to get to witness government-in-action as our new state-wide leaders were sworn into office,” Morgan said. “No matter what side of the fence you are on, these civil servants are people who are trying to make our state a better place, often at personal sacrifice. It was wonderful to spend time with them and celebrate the moment together.”
Stake Relief Society President Bonnie Nielsen and her husband Jay (Hodge Park Ward) also took part in the day’s events. The couple was invited by friend and state legislator, Rep.Bill Allen, Distinct 17, and his wife Marta, to attend the Governor’s Ball that evening.
“Attending the Governor’s Inauguration Ball was a wonderful experience for Jay and I,” Nielsen said. “It was exciting to be in our state’s capital and grow in our understanding of some of the history. The evening felt like a celebration of our state’s history and future.”
Nielsen said she was grateful for the kindness and service of the state legislators.
“We were treated so kindly by Rep. Bill Allen and his wife Marta all throughout the evening. We were honored to be their guests and were happy to be there to support them as they were introduced as part of the evening’s agenda. The time we spent in their company really opened our eyes to the sacrifice that families of government leaders make and the long hours spent in our behalf. We really came to appreciate their hard work and diligent efforts to make decisions that will have a beneficial impact on our state and our community.”
Also in attendance with the Allens were James and Sam Ransom (Liberty Ward) and President Rudi Garcia and his wife, Lori (Hodge Park Ward).
“We were so humbled that Bill would invite us to be his guests that night.” Pres. Garcia said. “Both he and his wife sacrifice so much of his time and energy serving our state. He is really a great servant of the people, and I’m honored to call him my dear friend.”