Kearney Ward Leaves Liberty Stake
New Spanish Branch Announced

New Spanish Branch Announced Sunday, June 30, 2024, will go down as a historic day for the Liberty Missouri Stake and its Spanish-speaking members. The first all-Spanish unit, the San […]
How I #HearHim: Kelli Gough

How I #HearHim: Pres. Kelli Gough How does Kelli Gough, Stake Young Women’s President, #HearHim? Watch the video or continue reading to learn more.
April 2022 Stake Conference Videos

APril 2022 Stake conference Videos How do members of the Liberty Missouri Stake live the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Join us as for heartwarming tales and testimonies. This video is […]
How I #HearHim: Pres. Rudi Garcia

How I #HearHim: Pres. Rudi Garcia How does President Garcia #HearHim? Watch the video or continue reading to learn more. How I #HearHim: Pres. Rudi Garcia Growing […]
How I #HearHim: Pres. Michael Beach

How I #HearHim: Pres. Michael Beach How does our beloved stake president #HearHim? Watch the video or continue reading to learn more. How I #HearHim: Pres. Michael Beach […]
Self Reliance to Hold Virtual Fireside

Liberty Stake Self-Reliance Virtual Devotional Theme: For such a Time as This Aug 20, 7 p.m. (30 minutes) Zoom link will be sent via email to ward members from the […]
RM Kaleb Hansen Shares Heartfelt Testimony of the Savior

Having recently returned from serving in the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, Kaleb Hanson, of the Smithville Lake Ward, shares his heartfelt testimony of the Savior and how He knows […]
New Video from President Barnes

President Barnes shares his favorite picture book, and a message about remembering who we are and how we spend our time. During this time of the pandemic, as we find […]
New Video from President Garcia

President Garcia talks about practical things you and your family can do to hasten the work of salvation within the walls of your own home. Find out how he gained […]